A Tale of Two Arthurs: Book 1

A Tale of Two Arthurs is an impressionistic chronicle of two very different men: Jack Arthur Johnson, the black American boxer, and Arthur Cravan, the white French poet and provocateur. These two men fought an improbable boxing match in Barcelona in 1916 which acts as the pivot point of this double-portrait which is also a kind of mirror: for despite their differences they were both fiercely independent individuals who in their own ways defied the mores of their time with a m

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Date de sortie16 juin 2020
ÉditeurEurope Comics
Accessibilité  Voir les informations concernant l'accessibilité pour le format ePub

La version ePub

L'éditeur a fourni les informations suivantes au sujet de l'accessibilité pour le ePub :

  • Le EPUB contient une table des matières qui permet de naviguer dans l'ensemble du livre.